This Open Source project is to integrate Jonas, an EJB container from ObjectWeb in Eclipse.
To use this plugIn you need the last version of JOnAS.
This plugIn has be testing in Eclipse 2.0 (build 20020125)
Go to the JonasEclipse's Sourceforge project to have more info and download the last release.
The actual source code is based on SYSDEO's Tomcat plugIn
- Hot deploy to JOnAS
- Run and debug EJB beans
- Start and stop JOnAS from Eclipse
- Build deployed EJB beans
Quick install
- Download the last version of JonasEclipse and unzip it to Eclipse directory,
- Download JOnAS from here,
- Start Eclipse and set JOnAS root directory Workbench>Preferences>Jonas,
- Custommize your current perspective to add JOnAS menus. Open 'Perspective > Customize...', expand 'Other' on available Action sets and select 'Jonas'.
- Now you should have a new menu and you can start or stop JOnAS from it.
Quick Run
- Before starting JOnAS, add your classes directory's project to JOnAS Classpath, go to 'Workbench > Preferences > Jonas' and add your project's classes path,
- Deploy an ejb by a right click on its ejb-jar.xml (Deploy on JOnAS),
- Define a breakpoint in EJB source code to debug it.
- To be continued...
To do...
- Improve the adding projects process
- ejb-jar.xml and jonas-ejb-jar.xml editor
- A JOnAS view
- More documentations
- JOnAS Config tool
- Add more admin tools
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